The other day Vaughn, who is apparently still going out with Jennifer Aniston, said he was going to get litigious on the ass of any publication responsible for spreading the story that he was caught messing around with some broad he met at a charity function. So this morning, the lame-o's over at Page 6 published the following retraction/apology:
We apologize to [Vince] Vaughn for reporting on Oct. 11 that the Wedding Crashers star had been photographed "making out" with a "mystery blonde" at a party in London. The item, first reported in the London Sun, was incorrect. We're advised Vaughn was merely greeting a friend at the event and not kissing her "passionately." Any suggestion that the actor was being unfaithful to Aniston is totally false.
So that's how it is at Page 6. One lunkhead celeb like Vince Vaughn threatens a lawsuit and they get all "ooh we're sorry Vince, we didn't mean to hurt your feelings, please don't sic your lawyers on us..."
Luckily, we here at Crabbie's Hollywood (and by "we" I mean "I") are not so quick to fold. Even though we know nothing about the actual story, and can only take other people's word for it, we will continue reporting that Vaughn was seen groping, tonguing and doing all sorts of other naughty things to this unnamed slut, whoever the hell she may be. We will even go so far as to report that Vaughn ripped the woman's clothes off and started nibbling her pierced nipple - not because we know it's true, but because we want it to be true.
And after he got done nibbling her nipple, he went down on her. And after he got done going down on her she went down on him. And then they both went down on a dog that happened to be wandering through. And then Vince said, "You want to break into the zoo and go down on a giraffe?" and she said, "Yes," and they did. And then Vince crawled up an elephant's ass and played the tambourine.
See how much fun it is not to be bound by journalistic ethics?