"I've got so much saggy skin on my stomach and I've got no bum at all," says Posh. "I might fit into jeans but, trust me, I look really awful naked."
I'll take your word for it hon.
Chris DeBurgh, who had a hit in the '80s with the song Lady in Red, claims to have acquired the power to heal people through the laying on of hands.
"I have found myself able to cure people with my hands," DeBurgh said on the BBC program Heaven and Earth. "I met someone in the West Indies who was not able to walk. I put my hands on him and he was able to get up... I try to play it down."
Hey Chris. I've got these genital warts. Maybe if you massaged them for a minute...
Dominic Monaghan and Evangeline Lilly of the show Lost are planning on getting hitched.
Here's a picture of the two of them going at it on the beach:

Why ruin such a lovely thing with marriage? Ah well. To each his/her own...