Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Jessica Simpson Has Hired a New Publicist: Jessica Simpson (Huh?)

Dingbat singer/actress Jessica Simpson is tired of all the crazy stories coming out about her - so much so that she has now taken upon herself the task of being her own publicist.

Never mind the fact that Jessica probably can't even spell "publicist."

All right, that was a cheap-shot.

Back to the story.

In an interview with Jane magazine, Simpson relates how she went about trying to mend fences with various members of the media who had angered her with their reports of her romance with musician John Mayer.

"It's been very emotional," Simpson said of her magazine-editor outreach program. "But I am my own publicist right now. I've called all the heads of the tabloids. I don't want anyone else to speak for me now."

She called all the heads of the tabloids. Like Don Corleone having a sit-down with the heads of the five families. Donna Jessica.

Is this bitch for real?