Minnesota Senator Norm Coleman thinks his opponent Al Franken has gone too far in trying to paint him as an evil Washington dirtball. The last straw came for Coleman when Franken's people put out an ad calling him the fourth-most corrupt member of the Senate and claiming he lives rent-free in a Washington apartment. Coleman has fired back by suing Franken for defamation. "Mr. Franken has chosen to push the lines of believability far beyond the bounds of the truth," said Coleman's communications director. "That is his right — but it is not his right to break Minnesota campaign law, and we believe that is what Mr. Franken and his campaign have done." This comes days after Republicans made their own waves on Coleman's behalf by sending out a mailer attacking Franken as a nut-job who thinks rape is funny (he penned some envelope-pushing jokes during his time as a comedy writer and they won't let him forget it). This one panel in particular almost seems to suggest that Franken is himself a child molester:
I do not envy the people of Minnesota - neither of these guys is particularly savory. Well, at least they have Dean Barkley, who was officially endorsed by Jesse Ventura. Yeah, Minnesota politics could be the most fucked-up in the nation, especially when you add in good old Michelle Bachmann who supports McCarthyist investigations into members of Congress to root out the "unAmerican" ones:
McCain should've picked Bachmann as his running mate. Her voice sounds just like Sarah Palin's but she's actually able to articulate her insanity halfway decently. She would've been much better at whipping up the crazy racists and the people who are terrified of socialism without even knowing what the hell it is. Maybe she doesn't have nice enough legs for McCain?