Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Britney Leaves Rehab; Poon-Watch Begins In Earnest

Britney Spears has completed her one-month treatment program at Promises rehab facility and been released, said her manager Larry Rudolph in a statement last night. There is no word yet on what Britney intends doing now that she's free, but I'm guessing it will not involve diving into Proust or taking up the violin.

Let Crabbie be the first to congratulate Britney on her successful completion of the program. Kicking bad habits isn't easy - Crabbie knows this first hand. I once had an embarrassing addiction to horse-porn, but with the help of rehab I was weaned off that, and have now been horse-porn free for many years. I remember those first days after treatment though, and they were very difficult. Everywhere I went I worried I would see a handsome mount, and have to sneak to the junior-high grounds and get a copy of "Italian Stallions" from my supplier Timmy. It was tough, but I got through it, and soon I felt flush with confidence, invigorated, ready to take on the world. And I'm sure that's how Britney will feel too, once those first awkward days are behind her. Sure, she'll have cravings - she'll be over at a friend's house and someone will be drinking a tall glass of chestnut Clydesdale with high withers and a well-defined blaze. She'll be tempted. But she will somehow find the strength to resist. And having fought back the urge once she will feel more confident the next time. She might even risk going to a stable where an olive-skinned Albanian boy is brushing down his master's golden Palomino, brushing his shiny coat so lovingly, the stallion with his big dark eyes and the boy swiping the brush so gently over his flank, the slow, even rhythm of the brush and the light making the whole beast seem to shimmer like something dreamed. But she won't give in to temptation - she won't pay the Albanian kid twenty bucks to take his clothes off and get up on the horse and start singing gypsy songs. Because she's past all that now. She's a new person.
