Friday, March 23, 2007

Heather Mills Is Deeply Disturbed

Heather Mills has become untethered from reality and is slowly floating away into space. I mean it - bitch is gone. Delusional. Imagining things. Conspiracies. Yes, against her. For instance, Heather has become convinced that the media are trying to destroy her. This is what this woman actually believes. That all the TV networks and newspapers and magazines in Britain are in league against her. Here's what she actually told the BBC several days ago:

There is a huge agenda about trying to destroy me and put me down. ... There are huge powers. I don't have that powerful system that Paul has. There are huge powers that create these things for their own reasons. I have a daughter to protect and I don't want to speak badly about any of the parties involved.

Heather the victim. She plays that card well. And she's playing it again. According to Heather, Paul McCartney and his media minions are deliberately trying to over-shadow her attempt to rehabilitate her image by appearing on Dancing With the Stars. The other evening, Paul had a date with Sabrina Guinness, a rich socialite who once went out with Prince Charles. Naturally, because of the names involved, it was a big story - so big that the date was eventually called off due to the presence of so many photographers. Heather, because she's a lunatic, thought the date was planned deliberately to take publicity away from her, and was said to be "apoplectic with rage" when she learned about it. Here's what a friend of Heather's told the Daily Mail:

She was livid. She felt like someone had knocked the stuffing out of her. She feels this has really humiliated her. Heather has long believed forces are at work trying to destroy her and she feels this is just the next step. ... In Heather's mind, she feels this has actually been done when she is out of the country to overshadow her American television debut. ... She told everyone that [Paul] had sent her flowers to wish her good luck in the contest, and that he was really on her side. But she feels that the minute she leaves the country, he is pictured going out with someone else.

Only a truly paranoid, tortured mind could've concocted the stuff Heather believes. A conspiracy against her? Why? She was nothing before she married McCartney, and she'll be nothing again once everyone forgets about the divorce. She can appear on a hundred reality shows and it won't make a difference - she'll still be the hateful one-legged harpy who tried to smear Paul McCartney's name.

But what's funny about it is that Heather actually seems jealous of Paul for seeing another woman. Here's what Heather's "friend" told the Daily Mail about that:

Deep down, Heather believed that after the divorce, they would still eventually be friends and that she would always be a very important part of Paul's life. ... Now she feels rather anxious that she just may be forgotten when Paul moves onto someone else.

That is insane. I mean, this is the same woman who, a few months ago, was talking about the secret tapes she had that would prove Paul abused her. This is the same woman who claimed Paul stabbed her and pushed her over a table and sadistically tortured her by making her crawl to the toilet in the middle of the night. But Paul was just supposed to forget about that and be buddies with her? And I love that last line, "Now she feels rather anxious that she just may be forgotten when Paul moves onto someone else." Well, yes Heather - you're divorcing him. Divorce means you won't be his wife anymore. He'll be free to screw other women if he wants to. And I seriously doubt he'll be thinking of you while he's doing it. In fact, you're probably the last thing in the world Paul ever wants to think about again. But you're anxious he'll forget you - of course you are, because you know, deep down, that without him you're nothing. Being married to him afforded you a lot of opportunities for looking noble and caring, and now those opportunities are drying up. You're so desperate for publicity that you signed up for a reality show, and had yourself videotaped breaking into a pig-farm with a bunch of smelly, trouble-making animal rights activists. What next? Are you going to pop your plastic leg off and do some kind of hopping juggler act in the street? My God woman, wake up. He doesn't want you anymore. He figured out what kind of a devious, scheming little monster you are, and now he just wants to be rid of you. And you're such a neurotic wreck that you can't let go of him. You say the most horrible things about him, trying to get people to feel sorry for you, and then you expect all that to go away at your convenience. You do know that people write those things down, right? It's all on the record. You don't just get to pretend it never happened because now you want to be friends. Holy God, I'm actually afraid of you, Heather. You may be the craziest person I've ever heard of.

(source 1, source 2)