Sunday, March 18, 2007

Mexico Fashion Week Is On. Sombreros The Hot Headwear For Two-Hundredth Consecutive Year.

Fashion week is on in Mexico. Yes, I know - who knew Mexico had a fashion week. The above was designed by a fellow named Grypho, whom I had never heard of until a minute ago, but who is my favorite designer now because his name is Grypho.

The guy in the middle is Grypho. So, what, he's like Mexico's answer to Richie Rich? And what's with the sword? Is he a big Cortez fan? I suspect that, at some point, Grypho has had his models come out wearing Mexican wrestler masks. Okay, Cortez, Mexican wrestler masks, sombreros. Yup, I'm pretty much out of Mexican material. Or, no wait - don't drink the water cause it'll give you the runs. There, I'm out.