Katie Holmes and Victoria Beckham are the closest of friends, and soon they're going to be business partners as well - when they launch their own line of children's clothing. Yes, Poshy and Zombiegirl have decided to join forces and conquer the world of kiddie-fashion. The whole idea came about because of some sketches Katie did of a first-birthday dress she wanted made for Suri. Poshy apparently saw the sketches, and decided that she and Katie could combine their talents and come up with some great designs. Voila - a joint business venture, sure to ruin their friendship completely.
Just kidding, of course - I'm positive that with Poshy's experience in the fashion world and Katie's opposable thumbs, which make it easy for her to hold a pencil, they will soon be at the top of the kiddie-couture world. And if not then Tom will just have to have some Scientology thugs go around beating up people for not buying the stuff. Either way, they'll still have each other - and their matching blank expressions.