Another day, another Dina Lohan rant. This time the menopausal wannabe celeb has gone after Brandon Davis, the oily heir notorious for tagging her daughter Lindsay with the less-than-flattering handle "firecrotch." Said Dina about Mr. Davis:
I know Brandon. I know his mother. A beautiful woman. You know, if her son went off and went dark? Whatever he did, he did, and it was bad and it was disgusting. ... He doesn’t have a dad who was always there. I don’t judge someone until I walk in his shoes. His mother was hurt by his father. My ex did that to me. And what does that do to a kid? That hurts him. So how does he have a relationship?
Oh Dina, you're priceless. Making everyone think you're talking about Brandon Davis when you're really talking about Lindsay. Yeah, we can see it, Dina - you ain't that clever. "He doesn't have a dad who was always there. ... His mother was hurt by his father. My ex did that to me. And what does that do to a kid? That hurts him." Translation: If Lindsay does questionable things she should be forgiven for it because her father wasn't always there, and her father hurt her mother, and that messes people up. Straight from the horse's mouth, people.
But wait, Dina ain't done. She's also got things to say about Lindsay's sometime-friend Paris Hilton. Take it away Dina:
Paris Hilton’s mom was wonderfully embracing to me. You know, you can’t blame parents for kids, and Paris is a really smart girl, and she’s come really far. They’re the American dream. They’re the Trumps of the little world, these kids.
What the hell are you talking about Dina? The Trumps of the little world? What does that even mean? And since when is Paris a really smart girl? Paris is a fucking imbecile. And what was that line about, "you can't blame parents for kids." Of course you can, you stupid bitch. You can blame parents for teaching their kids not to take responsibility for anything, and always finding someone to blame for everything that happens to them. Which is what you're doing. My God, will people please stop interviewing this woman? Everything she says is bullshit. She is the most infuriatingly clueless dip-stick on the face of the earth. Why won't she just shut the hell up?