I don't know if Mel Gibson has been getting anger-management training since his famed drunken tirade last year, but if he has been, it isn't working. This became glaringly obvious at a Cal State-Northridge seminar Thursday night where Mel was openly challenged about his portrayal of the Maya in his Academy-Award-ignored film Apocalypto. Alicia Estrada, the Assistant Professor of Central American Studies at the university, stood up during the Q&A after Gibson's presentation and asked him point-blank if he'd bothered reading about Mayan culture before making the film. Gibson said he indeed had. Estrada then went on to challenge his portrayal of the Maya as bloodthirsty practitioners of human sacrifice, calling this characterization wrong and racist, at which point Gibson, well, went Mel Gibson. "Lady, fuck off," the thin-skinned lunatic reportedly shouted.
Reps for Gibson are trying to portray Estrada as a mere heckler, asserting that university security escorted her from the building after Gibson's blow up. Estrada, however, tells her own story (on this video), saying her questions were valid, and that Gibson owes herself, the Mayan community and the university an apology.
How about adding the whole human race to that list, Alicia? Yes - that's what it's come to. Mel Gibson has become a disgrace to humanity. He should have to apologize, individually, to every man, woman, child, tranny and hermaphrodite on the face of the earth. And then he should have to pack himself into a rocket and shoot himself to Venus. And if there are any people there he needs to say he's sorry to them too. If not, then he should just have to live there alone, without booze or hookers or any of the other stuff he likes. Then, after maybe ten-thousand years, if he's willing to behave like something remotely resembling a decent person, maybe - maybe - he can come back. But even then he will have to be on probation for awhile - say another hundred-thousand years. If he even so much as looks at someone angrily, he will have to go back to Venus. Sorry Mel, but you brought it on yourself.