Saturday, April 28, 2007
Britney Pulled Over For Speeding
Britney Spears was pulled over for speeding on Sunset Boulevard Friday night around 8:45, but was let off with only a warning. Personally I think this was a mistake - this is Britney Spears we're talking about; who knows what insanity she was rushing off to commit. For all the cop knew, she could've been heading off to brain a pap with an umbrella, or commit some kind of hideous fashion crime like this one:
The world needs to be protected from people like Britney. But, the Beverly Hills PD would apparently rather kiss up to the famous than do their duty as public servants. So, Britney is allowed to run around free, and we have to suffer the terrible consequences:
Old fishnets and boots. Thanks a lot, authorities.
Britney Spears