Friday, April 27, 2007

Lindsay's Driver As Big A Bitch As She Is

Lindsay Lohan is a world-class bitch, and apparently she surrounds herself with people of similar persuasions. Her driver, for example. According to Page 6, Lindsay's chauffeur, John Zagata, demonstrated his own bitchy propensities by pitching a fit after accidentally rear-ending a car driven by Tony Bennett's daughter Antonia. Said Antonia's manager Keya Morgan:

[Zagata] hit Antonia's car. Then he has the nerve to jump out and scream, "Don't you know who I am? I represent Lindsay Lohan! How dare you get in my way!" He had no idea who Antonia was.

It's bad when stars play the old "don't you know who I am card," but when their drivers do it? "I represent Lindsay Lohan. How dare you get in my way!" He can't have really said that, can he? I mean, my God, that is the most insanely out-of-touch individual on the face of the earth. Oh, and then, to make matters worse, this complete imbecile Zagata tried to blame the incident on Antonia Bennett, despite there being numerous witnesses on the scene, who all saw him clearly ram her while she was parked. But he works for Linsday Lohan, so of course that means nothing's his fault. If he'd shot Antionia, he would've said she fell on the bullet.

Zagata, though, is not without his defenders. Said Lindsay's rep Leslie Sloane Zelnick:

It's a completely fabricated story. For as long as we've known him, John has never spoken that way . . . To blame a driver is the lowest.

Actually, Leslie, that's not the lowest. Making a living lying for Lindsay Lohan - that's the lowest.
