Alec Baldwin is an embattled celeb, but unlike some, he's not going to just roll over and die. Instead, Baldwin is mounting a counter-offensive against those he considers responsible for making public the voice-mail rant that got him in this pickle in the first place. Specifically, Baldwin is going after Harvey Levin, the editor-in-chief of TMZ. That organization, you recall, originally received the Baldwin tape from whoever leaked it, and posted an audio clip of it on their site. Now Baldwin is firing back at Levin. Here's what the crazed daughter-terrorizing actor told the cows on The View:
The guy that's responsible for this tape coming out - I called some friends of mine in L.A. and said, "What's his story?" And they told me his story, what he's all about, where he's coming from, what are his secrets. ... You find out that everybody who works in tabloid media are people who are filled with self-hatred and shame and the way that they manage those feelings is they destroy the lives of other people and reveal your secrets. ... I couldn't get over how they could beat you all day long.
Baldwin never mentions Levin by name, but everyone knows who he's talking about. And apparently Baldwin has some dirt on Levin via his Hollywood friends. Well, what's that dirt Alec? Come on - we want to know Harvey Levin's dark secrets. Is he a cross-dresser? Is he secretly fucking Michael K.? Does he run a shitty website full of people who can't write worth a damn? Oh wait - that last one's not a secret. But the other stuff...come on Alec. You can't just say "I've got dirt on a guy" and then not reveal it. Unless of course you're trying to portray yourself as being above that sort of thing. Sure - that's your whole point, isn't it Alec? "Those other people, who I won't even dignify by naming, spread other people's dirt around, but even though I know things about them, I would never sink to their level." Nice try Baldwin. But we already know you're a phony and that you treat your own daughter like shit. And as for tabloid people being self-hating and full of shame - real big revelation there Alec. Of course they all are. Just like all actors are vain and arrogant and emotionally insecure, and raise children who turn out to be drug addicts and car thieves and suicides. Yeah - I can paint with a broad brush too Alec. Like: All Baldwin males love butt-sex. With each other.