Kirsten Dunst may still have her rocker boyfriend Johnny Borrell for now, but stories about him messing around with his old squeeze keep popping up like pimples nonetheless. The latest one has Borrell's ex-girlfriend, singer Fabiola Gatti, saying that she and Johnny shared a passionate kiss upon meeting recently, and that Johnny assured her he would soon be dumping Kiki and returning to her. Said Gatti about her undying love for Borrell:
We will always be soulmates. At the moment we know it won't work but one day we will get back together.
I don't think you'll have to wait too long, Fabiola. Johnny may be enjoying going out with a movie-star right now, but one of these days the alcohol-haze is going to clear, and he's going to get a good look at Kiki with her snaggleteeth and pasty white body and then - well, it'll be all over then. And Kiki will be single again, and fishing around for another rock star to glom on to. Poor Kiki. I almost feel sorry for her silly ass.