Spider-Man is a lucky guy - he has not one, but two hot young things wanting to get into his tights. Yes, in the up-coming Spider-Man 3, Kirsten Dunst has competition for the heart of Tobey McGuire - The Village star Bryce Dallas Howard. Jane magazine interviews both of Spidey's gals for May's issue, and finds out that relationships, stardom and fashion choices can be as daunting as anything in a superhero blockbuster.
Kirsten Dunst on dating actors:
I don’t ever want to date another actor again. This quote is probably going to come back in my face, but I know someone who has a great saying: "There are no actors, there are only actresses"… Sometimes creative people can be very dark and destructive...I’m only saying bad things. I do know a few actors who are good and sweet and adorable.
(there are no actors, there are only pansies)
On being a fashion icon:
I don’t want to be one. It’s so much pressure! The one thing I don’t like in L.A. is the paparazzi. When I do go out of the house, I think, “Okay, do I look ridiculous?” I wish I could just wear Ugg boots with an old tee and look like a total nerd. But people make fun of you, and it doesn’t feel good to be made fun of.
(sure Kiki - you take real care not to look ridiculous when you leave the house. why do you almost always look ridiculous then? oh, and Uggs are made with sheepskin. don't you care about the animals Kiki? you animal-murdering fug-nerd.)
On being a redhead in Spider-Man 3:
I always thought that as a redhead, I got attention from cooler guys. Blondes attract everybody, but redheads attract guys who are more interesting. They’re usually sweet and nerdy.
(i thought redheads always attracted abusive types. you know, something about red hair just makes you want to slap a person in the mouth.)
Bryce Dallas Howard on being married (to actor Seth Gabel):
I’m really happy, so I’m not going to argue. I was the worst single person on the planet! All I would do is stalk one person incessantly until he finally dated me.
(oh dear, sounds like Opie's daughter has some issues. well, she is a redhead.)
On father Ron Howard making her wait to become an actress:
When I was young there would be kids on my dad’s sets, like for Parenthood, and I’d be like "Why can’t I be one?" But my parents were firm that I couldn’t consider [acting professionally] until college.
(what? you mean they didn't push you into show-biz, thereby turning you into a complete head-case? do your parents love you or something? that's just fucked up, right Lindsay?)
On being a blonde:
After I dyed my hair blonde, I went to Whole Foods, and all of a sudden the men there were really helpful. I was like, "What is this?" I never get attention.
(I get the same reaction when I wear my assless pants.)
Read more of Kirsten Dunst and Bryce Dallas Howard's interview in the May issue of Jane, on-sale April 24th. Or head over to janemag.com for more photos and interview excerpts.