Monday, April 30, 2007

More Angelina Is Deathly Ill Reports

Initial rumors that Angelina Jolie had contracted a deadly illness were easy to dismiss, but these rumors have only become more persistent, and recent photos of Jolie looking frail have added further fuel to the fire. Now, the National Enquirer, which started the whole thing in the first place, is ready to stoke those flames, by reporting in more detail on Jolie's apparent symptoms. According to the tabloid, Jolie is suffering blinding headaches, has lost hair, and at a recent charity news conference, was seen to shake almost uncontrollably. And pictures from that very news conference would seem to at least partially bear out the notion that Jolie is not feeling well.

The rumor is now floating around, at least among my posters, that Angelina has leukemia. Who knows if this is true. All I'm sure of is that these "Angie's sick" stories have been circulating for a couple of weeks now, and haven't really been addressed by anyone in her camp. This leads Crabbie to believe that there may be something to the story, and they're just waiting for the right time to make a statement.

Also, according to the Enquirer, Brad Pitt plans on staying by Angelina's side through her illness, despite their relationship being otherwise moribund. So there you go Angie-haters - she got sick on purpose to hold onto Brad. It's right up there on the tee for you. Knock it out of the park.
