Folks working on Victoria Beckham's new NBC reality show say Poshy is a major bitch. This comes as a shock to Crabbie - cause I thought Poshy's reality show had already been more-or-less nixed by NBC. Apparently they've decided to go ahead with it. The crew of the show, however, may not think they're being paid enough, given what Poshy has made them put up with. Said one irked employee:
We think she's full of herself and not very nice. She's very picky, demanding and rude. And she was mean to the assistants, too. ... She waltzes around with her icy attitude. People will walk up to her and say, "Welcome to America," or, "Good luck with the move," and she doesn't even stop to talk to them. ... The show is designed to make her a star in the States, but she's dreaming if she thinks that's going to happen. She's coming off as a grade-A bitch!
Yeah, all right - Poshy is demanding and rude and icy toward "regular people." Pardon me if I don't do a spit-take over that one. See, it's like this - generally speaking, the less a person actually has going for them, the more stuck-up and snotty they behave. It's a kind of defense mechanism. If Poshy ever dropped her queenly airs, it would become painfully apparent that, well, she doesn't really have anything else. In truth, the only way to appreciate this bitch is to take her as a giant joke. And she is. But NBC doesn't get this. They want to treat her like a star and build a reality show around her - but apparently they're having trouble coming up with material. Said the above-quoted source:
No one knows what to do with her to make the show interesting - she's so boring! Every suggestion the producers make, she rejects.
Oh, well Crabbie might have a few suggestions Poshy would like. Hmm...let's see. I know. Why don't we hire some really hot-looking Asian male models, oil them up, then get David to strip down and play naked soccer with them. Then let's get the models and David all liquored up and have them form an Abu Ghraib-like man-pyramid. And then someone can tell Poshy there's a huge diamond ring hidden inside the man-pyramid and we can all watch as she roots around looking for it. Sounds like a damn entertaining show to me. A sight better than Gray's Anatomy, I'm thinking.