Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Papa Joe Wants To Handle Britney
It's no secret that Britney Spears's career has gone down the toilet. But, there are plenty of people out there who are willing to help the Britster if she wants it. Like Joe Simpson, father of successful recording artists Jessica and Ashlee. Joe, who guided his daughters' careers as well as provided the sperm for their creation, says he's willing to become Britney's manager. Rush & Molloy report that Joe has already reached out and tried to touch Britney - in a business sense - and that Jessica, who was once Britney's rival in poptartdom, has given her blessing to the potential endeavor.
But why would Papa Joe, who already has his daughters' careers to handle, add to his burden by taking on the troublesome Britney? Crabbie thinks he knows the answer to this. Papa Joe, you see, is just being practical. Pop stardom these days is a pretty tenuous thing - one minute you're on top of the world, and the next, well, you're Lance Bass. What you really need in this fickle climate is a long-term plan, and Papa Joe has one. Joe, who I consider one of the few geniuses of our time, knows that Jess and Ashlee, and yes Britney, don't have many more years left of potential stardom. Soon the audience will have tired of them and moved on to something else - and how will Papa Joe get paid then? Papa Joe depends on his girls earning, and it's up to Papa Joe to put them in a position to do that. So, when this whole music-and-movies gig dries up, there's got to be some other means of wringing revenue out of the girls, and Papa Joe has the perfect thing - a brothel.
The visionary Papa Joe understands the appeal of his little girls. Why do you think he's always ogling their boobs? He's sizing them up for black lace teddies. However, Jess and Ashlee, energetic as they may be, are not going to be able to handle that work-load alone. So, Joe's going to need to add to his stable - and why not start doing it now? Britney's at a vulnerable point in her life, plus she's always drunk, so she's liable to sign just about anything. All Joe needs to do is trick her into putting her name on some kind of personal services contract. Then in a couple years when Joe has his brothel going, he can segue Britney right from music into whoring. She probably won't be able to tell the difference anyway - most of her career has been sucking dick and giving lap-dances, let's face it. And all Papa Joe has to do then is sit back and watch the cash roll in, as all the horny bastards come to screw the former pop-stars. Joe Simpson - Donald Trump has nothing on this fucker.