Thursday, April 19, 2007

Doherty Douses Photographer

Wild-man Pete Doherty proved his wild-manliness again last night by tossing a bucket of water (at least I hope it was water) on a photographer who was bugging him at Kate Moss's St. John's Wood home.

The Daily Mail rather sensationalistically describes Doherty as having doused the photographer in a "fit of rage." To me it looks like Doherty is smiling though, and the photographer also appears to be enjoying himself. Looks like a couple of drunken buds having a spot of fun at two in the morning, if you want me to be perfectly frank. By the way, according to the Daily Mail, this dousing incident took place just hours after a judge who'd ordered him to treatment praised Doherty for his efforts to kick drugs. Obviously this judge doesn't surf the web.
