Thursday, April 19, 2007

Update: Alec Baldwin Is The World's Worst Father

If you're in the mood to have your skin crawl, just click this link, which takes you to a voice-mail recording TMZ has acquired, featuring Father of the Year Alec Baldwin reaming out his 11-year-old daughter Ireland for failing to answer the phone when he called her. Some choice excerpts from the insane tirade include Alec calling his daughter - who, again, is 11 - a "rude little pig," whom he threatens to "straighten out" when he flies to the West Coast tomorrow. Alec also informs Ireland that she and her mother Kim Basinger - who Alec seems to think is in league with his daughter against him - have "insulted" and "humiliated" him, and made him "feel like shit."

Well, Alec, naturally you feel like shit - you are shit. Actually, I take that back - shit at least knows better than to scream at 11-year-olds like freaking maniacs. Yeah, that kid won't be in therapy for the rest of her life.


Update: Alec Baldwin has released a statement about the voice-mail message in which he berated his 11-year-old daughter:

In the best interest of the child, Alec will do what the mother is pathologically incapable of doing ... keeping his mouth shut and obeying the court order. The mother and her lawyer leaked this sealed material in violation of a court order. Although Alec acknowledges that he should have used different language in parenting his child, everyone who knows him privately knows what he has been put through for the past six years.

"Alec acknowledges that he should have used different language in parenting his child." Um, Alec - that wasn't parenting, it was psychological abuse. And trying to turn this around and make Kim Basinger the villain - all right, we know Kim ain't no prize either, but still; you're on the tape screaming at your daughter, she's not. And that last line: "...everyone who knows him privately knows what he has been put through for the last six years." Uh-huh - and that excuses you I guess. Sad, Alec - sad and pathetic that you would try to weasel your way out of this by playing the "I'm really the victim" card. You are a sick, sick individual Baldwin. Seriously - even Ryan O'Neal thinks you're fucked up.
