Nicole Richie apparently thinks she's a big enough deal that she can now treat her fans like shit. When arriving in Australia this weekend for the big VMA presentation, Richie stunned admirers who'd assembled at the airport by not only shunning them, but having her security guards push people back while she hid behind a giant handbag. One disappointed autograph-seeker, Bianca Valodian of Sydney, said this about the experience:
We haven't slept in two days. It's pretty heartbreaking.
Yes Bianca, it is heartbreaking - to realize there are people in this world lame enough to not sleep for two days because they're so excited to see Nicole Richie. Do you folks not get that Nicole Richie is a completely vapid, useless piece of excrement, and that you make yourself look like utter fools when you treat her like she matters? When, oh when, will the airheads of this universe learn that the Parises, Nicoles, Mischas and Lindsays they worship all think they are peons, and would not piss on them if they were on fire? There's a reason people like Nicole treat folks like you with such disdain, Bianca - it's because they have not an ounce of respect for anyone. They're assholes.