Sunday, April 29, 2007

Breaking News: Lindsay Lohan Tells The Truth

Lindsay Lohan has always had an interesting relationship with the truth. For her, it seems that what's fact is whatever she happens to say at any given moment, even if this contradicts something she just said ten seconds before. In other words, truth is a matter of convenience. But, every now and then, like a blind squirrel finding a nut, even a pathological liar can say something genuinely true - just as Lindsay did when she uttered the following during an interview with Nylon magazine:

I get embarrassed about the paparazzi if I'm in a chic restaurant, or when I was in the AA meetings . . . I feel really disrespectful because those people are doing that for themselves and it's no one else's business. But that was the only time it was embarrassing. Other times, I obviously like it . . . I wouldn't ever want them to not take my picture . . . I'd be worried. I'd be like "Do people not care for me?"

Lohan has confessed that she likes having her picture taken. And what amazing nugget will she next reveal about herself? That she sometimes enjoys going out in public without underwear on? That she's been known to snort the occasional line of coke? That she really, really likes the feel of a woman's tongue inside her vagina? Seriously though, Lindsay deserves credit - she managed to utter several entire sentences without saying a single demonstrably untrue thing, or immediately doing a 180 on herself. I swear, I never thought I'd live to see this day. I am so happy for Lindsay and the entire human family.
