Friday, April 20, 2007

Cruise Bilks Suckers On Behalf Of 9/11 Workers

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes arrive for last night's big gala fundraiser on behalf of Scientology's 9/11 detox program. So the deal is this - Scientology has been offering its dubious detoxification services to New York rescue workers affected by post-9/11 illnesses. Lots of scientists, as well as New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, have denounced the program, but Cruise's brainwashing powers are apparently stronger than reason, because this bullshit has been officially endorsed by New York's EMT union. Seems a few of the rescue workers have allegedly been helped by the detox, which involves overdosing on niacin and sweating poisons from your body in marathon sauna sessions. A few people even claim to have passed hunks of glass through their pores. No way these folks were paid large sums of money by Scientology to say these things. Anyway, Cruise seems to have impressed everyone there in New York. Here's what Pat Bahnken, president of the city's paramedics and EMT union, told Page Six:

[Cruise] said how grateful he was to everyone for supporting the project. He took time out to speak to every person. It took him an hour to get through the hallway. He was talking to everyone. It was genuine, nothing phony about it.

Exactly, Pat. There is nothing phony about it. That's because Tom isn't pretending - he actually believes this shit. But, I hate to break the news to you - just because a movie star says something is real, that doesn't make it real. Tom can show all the conviction and concern he wants - that doesn't change the fact that Scientology's detox program is a load of horseshit. It doesn't change the fact that Scientology is using 9/11, Katrina and Virginia Tech as platforms to advance their agenda, and win converts. And win converts they are doing - including New York City councilman Joseph Addabbo, who said the following:

I cannot stand idly by and see something that is working be ignored. The project seems to work. I've seen it firsthand.

Waffling a bit there Joseph? "The project seems to work. I've seen it firsthand." So does it work or only seem to work? Make up your fucking mind. Oh, and by the way - people who live in Addabbo's district. How do you feel about your councilman kissing Hollywood ass, and endorsing medical quackery, and helping to exploit the brave souls who risked it all on 9/11? What does this guy get out of it anyway? Maybe you'd like to ask him. His office phone-number is (718) 738-1111. Give him a ring. Ask him why he's helping a shady cult make money off the suffering of New York's heroes.
