Thursday, March 1, 2007

Lagerfeld Tired Out By Stardom

Living-dead-like fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld is feeling a bit tuckered lately. What, is he not sucking enough brains? Is he munching on too many anemics? No, says Karl - it's just all the attention from being a star.

"Sometimes it is a bit exhausting...because you lose a certain kind of freedom," Lagerfeld said after his latest Paris show. "But you cannot have your cake and eat it."

Uh, Karl - what exactly is in that cake, bud? On second thought, I don't want to know.

Anyway, here are some pics from Lagerfeld's show...

The gloves with the fingertips snipped off and the nails sticking out - very chic? I don't know. It's like some kind of arbitrary Mad Max touch, perhaps added to distract you from the fact that everything else is boring. Here's what Lagerfeld had to say about this shit anyway:

"Some people say the collection looks like me; but it's me what I see, not me who I am."

Right. And I'm the one who's full of it.