Britney Spears has gotten her life in order and is serious about making a comeback. This, at any rate, is what we're all supposed to think. Skepticism ensues, however, when we read stories like the new one in Britain's Sun newspaper, which details Britney's unfortunate experience at L.A.'s Sky Club in the Mondrian Hotel over the weekend.
Britney, reports the Sun, arrived at the Sky Club in the company of five hangers-on. One assumes they immediately began drinking heavily - this is at any rate a fair thing to infer, given that, an hour after the pop-star arrived, hotel security found her in the men's bathroom, slumped over the toilet with her make-up smeared and her wig half hanging off. A source describes the scene thusly:
She looked a real mess and was sitting on the floor with her head over the bowl throwing up. ... There was vomit down the front of her black dress and around her mouth. ... Britney was on her knees and must have been sick four or five times. She didn’t really seem with it, but I don’t know if she was drunk or not.
The source may be reticent to say one way or the other whether Britney had been imbibing, but rest assured, reverse peristalsis does not normally occur without a good reason. Especially not four or five times. Britney, however, was not without a measure of grace in the midst of her misfortune. As she was dragged "sobbing and covered in sick" from the Sky Club, she reportedly uttered to the staff, "I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Things aren’t going well for me at the moment."
At the moment, no Britney, they don't appear to be. But thankfully you've got publicity people to continue throwing together things like the utterly absurd statement that was posted on your website, which reads in part:
Recently, I was sent to a very humbling place called rehab. I truly hit rock-bottom. Till this day I don’t think that it was alcohol or depression.
Was rehab rock-bottom Britney? Was the men's bathroom at the Sky Club? Sadly, I don't think you can even see rock bottom yet, from where you are. You've got a lot of sinking still to do before you reach that fabled place. And no, of course you don't think it was alcohol or depression Britney - you think it was the paparazzi and your parents and your vile ex-husband. In other words, everyone and everything except you and your precious booze.