Kathy Hilton is doing exactly what you would expect any rich mother of a spoiled, famous child to do if said child had just been sentenced to jail for her reckless and foolish behavior - she is trying her damndest to put a positive spin on the whole fiasco. Fortunately for Kathy, she has many friends willing to help her. Through her society connections she has become buds with some fairly eminent individuals - including Barbara Walters, who today on The View threw what remains of her credibility behind Hilton's efforts to distract people from the notion that her daughter deserves every ounce of misery currently being heaped upon her empty head.
Walters, at this point, has little to lose herself. People have ceased taking her seriously as a journalist - she is now little more than a punching bag for Donald Trump and Rosie O'Donnell. A few years ago, would Barbara have even allowed herself to get in the middle of such a sordid affair? Hard to say. Now, however, Barbara is basically a ratings whore - so it serves her interests to publicly wallow with the pigs. Which is exactly what she was doing when she regurgitated on-air the statement prepared by Kathy Hilton, which read in part:
We can only hope that something positive will come out of this. Hopefully the young people who look up to people like Paris can learn from this.
I'm certain the young people can learn from this, Kathy. Like they learned from Paris the proper way to wash a car, or how to call black people a vile word starting with "n."
If the young learn anything other than not to look up to fools like Paris Hilton at all, then they have derived no useful lesson from this affair. Of course, you can't expect Kathy Hilton to come out and say that - because then she would be admitting that her daughter is indeed an arrogant, filthy and otherwise worthless slut. And you wouldn't expect Barbara Walters to take this position either - she's friends with Kathy. Thankfully, there are others on The View not so hampered. Like Elisabeth Hasselbeck, who has never been shy about voicing her good-old-fashioned conservative views. In response to Hilton's statement, Hasselbeck said:
Whether they're looking up or looking down, they are looking at Paris. You want to discipline your child before the criminal justice system does.
A little discipline would've done Paris a lot of good, Elisabeth. And a good dirty fucking would do your uptight ass a lot of good - but that's beside the point. What matters here is the notion that Paris ever was genuinely a role model - a frightening prospect for society, if you ask me. One would hope that even the misguided young would not be so wayward as to follow the example of a pinheaded, morally stunted human petrie-dish like Hilton. But you just know they do - which is why I sometimes think about sticking my head in the oven.