Here's Paris Hilton painting a ceramic bear. Sickening isn't it, the kind of stuff rich useless people do with their free time?
Of course, underneath the calm exterior, Paris Hilton is all turmoil and anxiety. According to People magazine, Paris is spending the days until her jail term trying to act normal (i.e. frivolous and stupid) in public, but behind closed doors the mentally challenged heiress is said to cry a lot, and is reportedly distressed that so many of her "friends" have abandoned her. Poor Paris, she has learned the bitterest lesson fame can teach - that all those people who supposedly like you are only pretending. Sort of like Paris only pretends to like Nicole. Except that Paris's ex-friends are obviously better actors, or maybe Paris is just that gullible. At any rate, Paris will soon be in the special needs area of the detention center, going slowly insane from the tedium of not being able to shop, or paint ceramic bears, or snort blow or be fucked by a junkie underwear model with a strap-on. I almost feel sorry for her.