X17 is reporting that Lindsay Lohan was involved in an accident early this morning, which resulted in her and a passenger receiving minor injuries, and Lindsay herself being cited for DUI.
The incident reportedly occurred in the early morning hours in Beverly Hills, at the corner of Sunset Blvd. and Foothill Dr. Lohan allegedly lost control of her vehicle, a Mercedes SL 65 AMG black convertible, crashing it. She and her unidentified passengers left the scene, climbing into a second vehicle and driving away. A witness at the scene who recognized Lindsay called the Sheriff's Office, who arrived to tow Lindsay's car away. Lindsay and her passengers were reportedly taken to the hospital, where Lindsay was treated for a minor injury to the upper chest area. Police tracked Lohan to the hospital where she placed under arrest. She was cited at the police station and released, and has been ordered to appear in court at a future date to answer the DUI citation. A photographer for X17 reports that Lindsay looked "completely wasted" around 5 am when she left a Hollywood Hills party, climbed in her Mercedes with her friend and drove off.
There has been no official word from Lohan's camp yet, but Crabbie has gone into the future and obtained the following statement from her asinine mother Dina:
Lindsay is a young woman. We all make mistakes. I'm proud of her. She will get through this and be stronger. People want to judge her but we all do dumb things when we're young. If you live in a glass house you shouldn't throw stones. Lindsay has her life together and she's in a good place. Hollywood is a rough place sometimes. No one else knows what it's like to have everyone watching you like that. Lindsay is a very strong person and after this she will be even stronger. By the way, I'm going to be on Entertainment Tonight tomorrow interviewing Lindsay about her new movie. Check it out.
Guess Lindsay's dad Michael knew what he was talking about the other day when he said Lindsay should be back in rehab.
(source 1, source 2)
Update: Lieutenant Mitch McCann of the Beverly Hills Police Department says a usable amount of cocaine was found at the scene. So, presumably, Lindsay was driving around in a car, drunk, with cocaine on her, crashed, then fled the scene, leaving the coke in the car for the cops to find. Oh goodness - this bitch is not only fucked-up, she is rock stupid.
(thanks to poster dvz for the tip)