Sunday, May 20, 2007

It's Confirmed: Britney Spears Is The Biggest Idiot On Earth

For the benefit of those few earthlings still operating under the illusion that Britney Spears is not a complete mouth-breathing over-the-rainbow numbskull, I present the following item:


Britney Spears, who has been attempting a comeback in recent weeks, made a colossal, shameless nuisance of herself Friday night at LAX.

At first, the other passengers had no idea what was causing the delay of their Miami-bound United Airlines flight - then the captain came on the intercom, apologetically explaining that a passenger had wanted to get off, and he was obliged to respect their wishes even though it caused everyone else to have to wait. It was only later that the passengers discovered the full truth - the one who'd been let off was Britney Spears, and her reason for wanting to vacate the plane was that it didn't have leather seats.

Yes, Britney Spears held up an entire United Airlines flight because her seat was not upholstered with cow-hide. Britney now believes her ass to be so privileged that she refuses to allow it to touch mere vinyl, or whatever else those seats were done with. Sort of ironic, given the way she's been clothing her ass lately:

We as a society need to do something about ridiculously spoiled celebs like Britney Spears delaying commercial flights for the most frivolous, self-indulgent of reasons. There were people on that plane who probably had important things they were getting to - things more important than Britney trying to get to Miami for another one of her farcical comeback shows, at any rate. But because Britney's rich she thinks she can ignore the rules of decent social conduct, inconveniencing scores of "regular" people in the process. Well I say ban Britney - yes, keep her off commercial flights altogether. Put her name on a watch-list - an asshole watch-list. If she ever tries boarding a flight again, treat her like a prospective terrorist - haul her into a little room and strip-search her, and make her sit there for hours without a phone or even a glass of water. Teach the whore a lesson in what happens to people who think they can do anything they please. Because, in the end, people like Britney are no better than terrorists. Self-important celebs like Britney disrupt the machinery of society by their thoughtlessness the same way terrorists do by their deliberate acts of mayhem and sabotage. In fact, I think Britney's behavior may be grounds for the bitch to be indefinitely detained. I say handcuff the slut, stick her on a C-130 and fly her to Guantanamo. Let her languish in a filthy cell for a few years with nothing but a Koran and a daily allowance of unleavened bread and flat Mountain Dew. Finally, a chance for George Douche to do something worthwhile for his fellow Americans.
