Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Britney To Mother Lynne - "Y'all Are Dead To Me."
Britney Spears has evidently cut the cord entirely between herself and mother Lynne, who Britney has described as "the stage mom from hell."
Britney, who is currently sort of on-tour, is so fed up with Lynne that, reportedly, she neglected to call her on her 52nd birthday earlier this month. Then, over Mother's Day, when Lynne was in the hospital with a bout of pneumonia, Britney refused to visit or even call her to wish her well.
The current unpleasantness between Britney and Lynne is believed to stem from Britney's well-publicized rehab trip earlier this year. It is Britney's contention that postpartum depression was to blame for her erratic behavior, but Lynne and since-fired manager Larry Rudolph insisted she seek drug and alcohol treatment. Friends say Britney refuses to forgive Lynne for this "betrayal."
So Lynne Spears has been officially exiled from Britney's support group, to be replaced by her cousin Alli, who has become a familiar presence in Britney's paparazzi photos. I hope, however, that Alli is paying close attention to these stories about Britney and her mother. These are two people who had as tight a bond as you can have, and yet resentment and downright anger corroded those ties - and now Britney is so mad at Lynne that, even though Lynne could've been dying in that hospital, she wouldn't even pick up a phone and call to see how she was doing. Her own mother she treats this way - and how will she treat you, Alli, if she decides that you have "betrayed" her too? Clearly, Britney has become delusional and paranoid. And people in that state will lash out irrationally even against those who are trying to help them most. In the end, it's unlikely Britney will have anyone left in her life except sycophants and yes-people. Of course, even the ass-kissers won't stick around forever - as soon as the gravy train stops rolling they'll be out of there.
I don't need to point out, do I, the current state of the Britney gravy train?
Britney Spears