Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Pitt And Clooney Are Happy

Brad Pitt and George Clooney share some boy-time together at the Cannes Film Festival Ocean's 13 photocall. And just why are Brad and George so happy in this picture? Did they just leave a whoopie cushion on Don Cheadle's seat? Did Steven Soderbergh tell the greatest dirty limerick of all-time? Or, is Brad just so happy that Angelina's not there, his joy became infectious and overcame George as well? Honestly, why don't Brad and George just get married? They obviously love each other. Yes, I know, they're straight. But so what? Nobody's saying they have to have sex with each other just because they're married. Hell, most of the married people I know don't have sex with each other. You marry someone because you want them to do your laundry and squeeze your pimples for you, not because you want to sleep with them.