Monday, May 28, 2007

Pixie Geldof Suspended From School

Naughty little Pixie Geldof has gone and gotten herself suspended from school for drinking and smoking. The 16-year-old daughter of professional deep-carerer-about-things Bob was allegedly caught downing Bacardi Breezers and beer and smelling of smoke - what no coke? This chick's got a long way to go before she can top Lindsay. Still, her offenses were enough to get her suspended from the exclusive educational institution, Alleyn's School, where she is currently enrolled. Her father Bob is said to be angry too - apparently it's a big deal to get into this Alleyn's School joint, and Bob is mad at Pixie for screwing with her education, and for diminishing her little half-sister Tiger Lily's chances of getting into the same place. Oh yeah, Bob - you are so rock and roll man. Sweating your daughter getting suspended from some snotty school. Aren't you supposed to be encouraging her to drink and smoke and behave irresponsibly? You're nothing but an establishment wanker, Geldof. Why don't you go home and plant some geraniums and listen to your Tubular Bells CD you lame fuck.
