Thursday, May 17, 2007

Marilyn Manson Wanted To Kill Himself. Unfortunately, Something Stopped Him.

Crock-rocker Marilyn Manson is blubbering to anyone who'll listen about the horrible turmoil he suffered before breaking up with ex-wife Dita Von Teese. Said the ass-faced charlatan to the Observer:

Really, I haven't left my house in a year. I shut myself, literally, out of being with people . . . I didn't want to live. When you want to die, you at least have a goal. ... [Dita] didn't understand the amount of pain I went through.

Sorry Marilyn, but Dita did understand - and that's why she left. Because, contrary to what you may believe, everyone in the world isn't as consumed with your pain as you are. Dita had better things to do than watch you sit there moaning and bellyaching about how much you hurt. That isn't callous disregard for your feelings Marilyn - it's being fed-up with someone who is obviously a whining, self-absorbed little fuckhead. People like you are sickening - you spend your days spewing and blubbering about how much you hurt, then expect everyone else to always be "understanding," or in other words, pity you as much as you pity yourself. Dita did the only thing she could under the circumstances - extricate herself from a situation that she, being mature and intelligent, realized was never going to change. See Marilyn, it's like this - love isn't when someone worships you, it's when two people want to be with one other, and share the road of life (and all the bumps too). But you wanted Dita to be some kind of supplicant - you wanted her to take your silly pain as seriously as you take it, and construct her entire life around satisfying your imbecilic needs. Maybe she was willing to do that, for awhile, in hopes that you'd eventually grow the fuck up and become a real man. But she finally saw that this was never going to happen, and skedaddled. And you have no one to blame but yourself, Marilyn, for turning your entire existence into an on-going wallow in whatever mundane miseries you've experienced - miseries you've blown up to cosmic proportions, because for an egomaniac like you, every tiny insult and slight must be treated as though the very universe is quaking at it. What you suffer from isn't pain Marilyn, it's narcissism and emotional retardation. And when you talk about wanting to die, and say that at least if you're trying to die you have a goal? Yeah - you need to try harder to achieve your goals, Marilyn. Really, put your back into it next time. I know you can do it, freak.
