Monday, May 28, 2007

Michael Lohan Releases A Statement

Michael Lohan cares deeply about his troubled child Lindsay - you can tell because he keeps giving TV interviews and releasing statements to the media. Because what Lindsay needs more than anything else right now is for every single tiny aspect of her existence to be placed before the public. Jeez Michael, a little self-serving are we? Whatever - here's the statement this bible-thumping charlatan (yes I realize that's a redundancy) sent to X17:

Lindsay needs to find God, get better, clean house and start all over again with the people who were there for her at the beginning: her family. Too many people are around Lindsay for the wrong reasons. They want to see what they can get from her instead of caring about Lindsay herself. I’m her father. I don’t want anything from her but her love and to be her father first. I’m here for Lindsay as a father and a father only.

And it’s about time that her mother Dina stop building up the walls of division between myself and my children—especially Lindsay. And if Dina really cares about out children--especially Lindsay-- then she should do the right thing so we can both be there as parents. Because what Lindsay needs are both parents. I wish Dina would put things aside and act the way God wants us to: right the wrongs and not compound the wrongs.

I hope Lindsay finally gets the help that she needs. I want her to know that her Daddy is here for her.

Actually, Michael, what Lindsay needed was to not have people like you and that hideous gargoyle of a mother Dina raising her. But I guess that ship has sailed, hasn't it? The damage is done. Lindsay is now an out-of-control head-case, who can only end up one of two places - jail or the morgue. And it's all because of you and Dina teaching her to make excuses and blame other people instead of facing up to her own issues. Yes, Dina teaches her to lie and prevaricate and make bizarre self-contradictory statements, and bullshit her way through everything instead of taking responsibility. And now you want her to "find God?" Right Michael - because people who pretend to believe in God are above reproach. You yourself probably think you should be forgiven for every transgression of your life because you've devoted yourself to Jesus. And who could ever criticize someone who has found the righteous path? People like you make me sick - the way you try to hide your shamelessness and greed and self-interest behind your pretend convictions. It's nothing but another racket you've discovered. And now you want Lindsay to become a hypocrite too. Wear a crucifix and they'll know you're a good person no matter what you do, right Michael? Then it doesn't matter if you behave in a socially irresponsible manner - you've got Jesus on your side. God, why can't all you self-righteous phonies end up in a heap on the floor of your office like that pasty criminal fiend Falwell? The world would be better off without you, and so frankly would your daughter.
