Thursday, March 1, 2007
Anna Nicole Needed A Little Scientology, Says Travolta
Anna Nicole Smith is set to be buried tomorrow in the Bahamas, bringing an end to a tragic story. But, according to at least one devotee of the self-help discipline Scientology, it didn't have to be this way. John Travolta, a man long-associated with the freakish quasi-religion, says that if only Anna had been enrolled in Scientology's Narcanon program, she would still be with us today.
"It's so sad," said the movie-star-turned-amateur-jet-pilot, who appeared with Anna Nicole in the movie Be Cool. "We could have helped her with Narconon but didn't get a chance to. I wish we had."
And you know what? I agree with Travolta. Had Anna gotten into Narcanon, which employs vitamins and sauna sessions to purge the body of toxic substances, I'm certain that she would've kicked her drug habit. She would definitely have been a healthier person physically, and would certainly be alive now (barring anything unforeseen like being impaled on a giant sex-toy). Unfortunately, I doubt she would've been better off in spirit. Because, let's face it, Anna Nicole was a deeply messed-up person. If it hadn't been drugs it would've been something else - religious fanaticism, or crazy body-piercing, or some other kind of thing people immerse themselves in when they can't deal with reality at all. There are all sorts of different crutches out there for people who are emotionally crippled - and Scientology, like all would-be all-encompassing philosophies, is one of them. So, had Anna been indoctrinated into the ways of Travolta's cult, she would've really only been trading one crutch for another. It's sad people like Travolta can't see that all their "religion" really offers is another way for the deluded to dodge the realities of existence, propping themselves up emotionally and intellectually with a lot of ritual and dogma.
John Travolta