Saturday, March 17, 2007

Hilton And Richie Together Again

Paris and Nicole are back at it, filming all new episodes of their regular-folk-mocking show The Simple Life. It's never made any sense to me, The Simple Life. I mean, I get the premise - Paris and Nicole are rich city-girls and they go hang out with poor folk and slop around with pigs and do other disgusting things. But here's the problem - Paris and Nicole themselves have scarcely more taste or breeding than the people they're supposedly lowering themselves to appear with. The show would make more sense if you took two people who weren't basically trash themselves and had them do that stuff. Paris and Nicole aren't really debasing themselves at all - they're just finding their natural level. Were it not for the accident of privileged up-bringing, both those bitches would be working at Wal-Mart right now and dressing like slutty versions of Ellie Mae Clampett. Money has meant nothing to them in terms of education, comportment or personal style. Their only advantage in life, besides the dough, has been the fact that we live in a vapid culture that only values insipid antics and cares nothing for real substance. They're the perfect icons of our age - two brainless tarts pretending they're above wallowing in shit when it's really what they live for. Kind of like TV execs.