Actress Sienna Miller has had to take extra security precautions after a transvestite stalker sent her a series of creepy letters, the Daily Star reports. Says a source:
Sienna has been bombarded with bizarre letters from a transvestite and has hired two security men. In his letters he talks about being obsessed with her look. He tries to follow her everywhere. ... The poor girl hasn't been sleeping properly because she has been so scared. Things just got to the point that she just had to take extra care of herself.
The stalker's name is Peter, and he is allegedly obsessed with the movie Factory Girl, which stars Sienna as Edie Sedgwick. And Sienna's afraid of him? Christ, he's just a fan. What, a guy can't dress up in stilettos and a fur coat and send rambling letters to movie stars anymore? Come on - it's fun. Hell, I'm doing it right now...
Dear Sienna Miller,
You don't know me but my name is Melvin. I've been a big fan of yours ever since...um...uh...that movie you were in that one time. You were great in that one. You are so radiant yet fragile. Kind of like Jean Seberg except you haven't overdosed and died in an alley and rotted for a week yet. I really wish we could be friends Sienna. We would have so much fun together. We could go shopping. And then we could go back to your place and try on all the dresses and smoke pot and listen to Nina Simone records. I just adore Nina Simone, don't you? Oh, and I would do your hair for you. You are such a cute woman Sienna. I wish I had your body and especially those luscious legs. We could take baths together and go for walks. And I would brush your hair for an hour if you'd let me. It can be so relaxing, letting someone brush your hair. Pretty pretty. Oh goodness, I hear the bed-troll calling me again. He can be such a pain in the ass. Hey, we should get together sometime Sienna. I have some great records and I just love brushing hair and eating hallucinogenic mushrooms. We should totally trip out sometime Sienna. Just like Edie Sedgwick. Oh, I adore Edie. You're just like her - so free-spirited. This world is really too dirty and gross for a creature as graceful and lovely as you Sienna. But thankfully there's another more beautiful world beyond this one where everyone is happy and there's nothing but rainbows and everyone's poop smells like roses. Damn the poop Sienna - damn the smelly poop. Mommy got so mad at me when I smeared it on her mirror. Stop hitting me mommy, I didn't mean it! Was your mommy a witch like that Sienna? Mine was. That's why I pushed her down the stairs. Oh, they thought it was an accident, but it wasn't. I just gave her a shove at the top of the stairs and she tumbled all the way to the bottom, and her neck was at such a funny angle lying there. Oh, I guess you know my secret now, don't you? Well I'll just have to find you then and take you away to the rainbowland with me. My bed-troll will help me find you Sienna. And we will be friends forever and ever and ever...
Yours devotedly forever and ever,
(P.S. Jude Law fucks Republicans in Hell.)