Thursday, March 1, 2007

Jessica Simpson Has Many Faces, All Of Them Dumb

Jessica Simpson is shooting a new movie called Blonde Ambition. According to IMDb, it is the story of a young professional woman (Simpson) who "unwittingly becomes the pawn of two business executives in their bid to oust the head of a mega-conglomerate." With Jessica in the role, you can be certain the film will be full of gratuitous ass-shots, and gags about what a lovable ditz Jessica is. Here are some stills from the shoot, where Jessica shows off her stunning range as a comic actress:

Just asked God why Goofy can talk but Pluto can't. Is waiting for the answer.

Just realized that the white spot on her sleeve wasn't sour cream (and there were pigeons around a minute ago...).

Cut one.

Is that John Mayer down behind that taxi?