Mariah Carey had a rough upbringing. For one thing her famliy was poor, and for another thing she had no father. And being mixed-race made life difficult for her too. You could even say her childhood was a "handicap" - that's what Mariah thinks anyway. As she said in an interview with Hello Magazine:
I feel like I came from a handicapped place. To have grown up in a single parent home, to be bi-racial, to not have any money, to have to fight to succeed. ... No one but my mom believed in me. First, you have to have faith and then you have to act. And that is what I have always done.
"I feel like I came from a handicapped place" - way to insult the disabled, Mariah. I mean, yes, those situations you describe are less-than-ideal - life is certainly easier if you have a mother and father, if you have lots of money, if you're not a mongrel. But, those circumstances are not nearly as bad as being a paraplegic, or having no arms, or cerebral palsy, or some kind of brain disease or cancer or scoliosis or any of those things. I mean, Mariah, how about a little sensitivity, okay hon? You're not handicapped - not physically at least (unless being butt-ugly counts). You came from a place a lot of people come from, and not all those people have the advantage of a voice that can deafen farm animals from five-hundred yards. Let's face it Mariah, you won the fricking lottery. Yeah, you can sing - so you didn't end up working some shit job for minimum wage. All right, it was rough for your mom being broke and having no man around, and it sucked for you being picked on cause you're bi-racial. But are you in a wheelchair Mariah? Do you have braces on your legs? Hooks in place of hands? Did you have cancer treatment and go bald and puke your guts out for months? No Mariah. You endured none of those things. So please - shut the hell up.