Is Josh Hartnett Mr. Chivalry or Mr. Dickhead? Going by a recent report in Page 6 we might've chosen the former. In this account, Harnett and his friends were at some Lower East Side dive called the Whiskey Bar when, allegedly, a young woman was mistreated, prompting Hartnett to come adorably to her defense. Now, however, some other witnesses have come forward, and their version of events that evening differs from the initial characterization. In the new story, Hartnett was at the bar with some rowdy asshole pals and a couple of girls. One girl got pushed, and Hartnett and his pals started ragging the guy who did it. Apparently the situation was defused, by Hartnett, before it got out of hand. But, by this new account, Josh's drunken friends ended up jumping some guy later - maybe the same guy who pushed the girl, maybe not - and threw him to the ground and kicked him while supposed good-guy Josh stood there watching. Reps for Hartnett say Josh actually did try intervening in the situation, and friends of his claim another other group of guys were the ones who caused all the trouble. But other witnesses say Josh's buddies were the cause of all the mayhem.
So what do we think? Is Josh Hartnett a cool guy or a punk-ass? Does he run with a bunch of rowdies who, when they start trouble in bars, cause Josh to get all worried about his image and start stammering like a little puss? "Hey guys, cut it out. I'm gonna get in trouble. Guys..." You know, in a little whiny voice like a nerd getting kicked by footballs players. "Cut it out. Stop it. Guys, come on." Yeah, I think that's Hartnett all over. Just look at him. He wants to be all tough and hard but, come right down to it, he's a little sniveling bitch.