Keira Knightley has a life many women dream of - she's thin, she's beautiful, she's rich and famous. But, to Keira, this existence is anything but a dream - in fact it's closer to a nightmare. And it's one she's ready to wake up from.
Yes, Pirates of the Caribbean star Knightley is sick and tired of being rich, famous and thin. Apparently, the actress came to feel this way after a kind of twofold epiphany. Part one occurred, I kid you not, while she was hiking through the Himalayas. Said Keira about her mountain-aided spiritual revelation:
I spent 10 days in a place where no one knew me or cared what films I'd been in. I got to have some total peace and balance and see myself as a tiny insignificant speck - something I really needed.
So Keira developed a sense of proportion up there amongst the Sherpas and the Yetis. She figured out that she's not the big deal she thought she was. And out of this came the realization that maybe a life of fame and fortune isn't what she really desires. Said Keira:
The celebrity thing is completely crazy. I think I just have to move away or give it up altogether. ... I couldn't have kids in the situation I'm in now. But I could just do something else. That's probably what's going to happen. I'm just not so hungry any more. I made a decision very recently that I wanted a life instead.
Yes, Keira wants a life. And kids. Which she can't have if people are always trying to take her picture. And she needed to go to the Himalayas to figure this out? Whatever. The important thing is that Keira now knows what she wants from life. It doesn't involve red carpets and paparazzi; and it also doesn't involve being a rail-thin bad example for the kids. No, Keira is also sick of being skinny, and she's really sick of people holding her up as the poster-child for eating disorders:
Basically, my body type is naturally thin. There is nothing I can do about it. ... I hate the fact that naturally thin women like me are becoming scapegoats for promoting a mental illness.
Yes, Keira is naturally thin - but if she had her way this would not be the case. If she had her druthers, she'd be a big flabby mess like British singer Beth Ditto instead. And this brings us to the second part of Keira's twofold awakening - which happened at a concert featuring the aforementioned Ms. Ditto. Said Keira of the sight of Ditto's pasty-white, sweaty, 210-pound form:
When she was performing she started taking all her clothes off. I stood there watching her strip, thinking, "Oh my God, that woman is so sexy."

So there you have it - Keira Knightley has seen her perfect future, and it involves being a morbidly obese, drunken lesbian who no one knows. Of course, I'm sure Keira wouldn't mind holding onto the money. And I'm also sure her boyfriend Rupert Friend would prefer her to remain thin. But, you can't have everything. I'm sure Keira understands this too - that giving up the bad stuff means giving up the good. I mean, she seems like such a deep and spiritual person - of course she recognizes the true implications of her wish to shed her current identity and become an overweight schlub. Right?
(source 1, source 2)