Soon-to-be-jailbird Paris Hilton is not taking her just-handed-down 45-day sentence very well, reports E! Online's Marc Malkin. The Planet Gossip guy's sources tell him that Paris has spent the last day vacillating between despair and fury, and will probably lock herself inside either her West Hollywood home or her family's estate for the weekend. Malkin also says that helicopters and paps have been surrounding Paris ever since judge Sauer slapped her with the jail-time, contributing to her turmoil, but that she has been getting support from her sister Nicky and Nicky's boyfriend David Katzenberg, and has also received a visit from on-again/off-again squeeze Stavros Niarchos. It is not known whether Paris has been contacted by alleged current boyfriend Josh Henderson, or any of her other infamous friends (Brandon? Perez? The ghost of Tinkerbell 1?).
So does anyone out there feel sorry for Paris yet? I don't.