Foodophobic actress Keira Knightley is once again cheesed that people keep beefing about her weight. Said Keira in a Reuters interview:
It's really frustrating, and particularly when you come to Venice film festival with a film that is an intelligent film. It's a thought-provoking film you can have a really good discussion about. I think it was just a shame that that had to be brought up then, and the fact that we all knew that it was going to be brought up.
The film she's referring to is called Atonement. Apparently it's a heavy piece of work. Or at least Keira thinks it is. You know, a really meaty film. Full of flesh and gristle. Food for your brain. And speaking of food - no, I'm not going to go there. Keira is so right. We spend too much time focusing on meaningless things like the way people look. We should talk about serious, important things like Keira's new movie. And what a wonderful actress Keira is. And how lucky we are to have people in the world like Keira who are willing to work so hard to make good, thought-provoking films like this one, and get paid millions of dollars to do so.
Of course, one wonders, when one is making millions of dollars, why one would choose to go around looking like one were dying of starvation. One would think that, with all her money, Keira would be able to hire a good nutritionist. But, we shouldn't focus on that frivolous stuff. Instead we should bask in the glory of Keira's talent, and the wonderful movie she has made. Oh Keira - thank you for the marvelous gift you have given the world.
Yes Keira, you are so generous. And now I want to give you a gift in return. It's a cheesecake. Yes, I know, you're not going to eat it - but I wanted to give it to you anyway, as a token of gratitude for all you've done.
Sorry, I'm being frivolous again. I apologize.
Damn, that is one frightening bitch. Seriously - that bitch could go to Ethiopia, and the natives would start giving her what little food they have, cause they felt so sorry for her. That bitch could go down to the worst part of Calcutta and the starving beggars would be like, "Damn, look at that poor, skinny bitch over there. Let's give her our last handful of rancid rice."
I know, I'm silly. I apologize. Especially to Keira. From now on I will be sure to take her as seriously as she takes herself.