Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Madonna's Malawian Baby Addiction

Madonna just can't get enough of those Malawian babies. Just weeks after taking home her first, David Banda, the pop-star says she's ready to go back and pick herself up a girl to make it a matching set.

"I'm going to adopt another Malawian child very quickly," says the black-baby crazy Madonna. "A baby girl this time, in order to redress the balance."

Redress the balance? What the fuck does that mean, Madonna? If you don't adopt a girl to go with the boy, somehow the delicate equilibrium of the universe will be thrown off, plunging all creation into chaos?

Oh, and lest you think Madonna has forgotten about her biological children, here's the singer on her plans to share the experience of baby-browsing with Lourdes and Rocco:

"The next time I go to Africa to visit the orphanage, I am going to take the children with me. I want to open their minds to the rest of the world."

Malawi - it's a lot more mind-opening than Chuck E. Cheese (and the orphanages take coupons).