According to the story, Britney has made around $27 million from record deals, tours and royalties. That'll buy a lot of Cheetos baby (hell, for that kind of dough, you can hire someone to suck the orange dust off your fingers). Add to that the $22 million she's made from various endorsement deals, roughly $17 million she's raked in from merchandising, and the $4 million she's been paid for various movie and TV projects - yeah, Britney's done pretty well.
And lest you think the dizzy broad just squandered all that dough buying boxes of candy necklaces and going on titanic shoe-buying sprees, have a look at some of Ms. Spears' assets: $16 million in houses (no more jokes about double-wides), $6 million worth of forestland in Louisiana, and, most importantly of all, around $32 million in the bank.
So Britney ain't going to be panhandling anytime soon.
Of course, this has all come to light thanks to Britney's divorce filing from Kevin Federline, and rampant speculation as to how much of her fortune K-Fed might be able to walk away with. K-Fed put up with the bitch for two years, so now K-Fed gots to get paid, right?
How does a sum total of around $300,000 sound Kev? Cause according to this story, that's all you're going to get.
Seriously, this guy got owned. The pre-nup, put together by Britney's genius lawyers during a short interval between the now-infamous fake wedding and the real one, guaranteed Kevin around $36,000 a year in spousal support for each year of marriage, but the agreement was later changed to give Mr. Federline $300,000 for every two years of marriage. And since they were only married for two years...
Jesus, Federline. You couldn't hold out another lousy two years? That was 300 grand you cost yourself, dope.
Now, to be fair, Federline has managed to secure half-ownership of a $10 million home he shares with Britney in Malibu. So he can make a nice chunk of change by selling his half. But, according to the pre-nup, Kevin cannot seek any part of the money Britney made before their marriage or any money she makes from pre-existing deals and contracts during their marriage, and furthermore, any gift valued at more than $10,000 requires a legal document, signed by both parties, stating who gets to keep it. In other words, in the absence of any such document, Britney is allowed to take back any expensive gifts she may have given Federline.
Too bad there isn't a provision in that pre-nup allowing Britney to take back Federline's career.
Bottom line: Britney is going to be living like a queen for some time to come. And Federline will be able to coast along in the wake of the gravy-train for awhile, but sooner or later, he'll have blown his part of the settlement on booze and hookers, and there won't be anything left but to appear on the Surreal Life (if even that dirtbag show would have him by that time).