Friday, November 17, 2006

Paris Nearly Gets Socked Again

Paris Hilton certainly has a talent for antagonizing people. Wednesday night at a post-World Music Awards party hosted by Vanity Fair, Paris showed off this amazing flair of hers by getting into a shouting match with Sharleen Spiteri of the band Texas, one which ended in Ms. Spiteri brandishing a fist in Paris's face.

The whole thing began when Paris, in a state of drug-aided euphoria no doubt, began annoying other guests by dancing on seats, and was hit with a shower of ice. Ms. Spiteri, who was sitting with friends, had nothing to do with the ice-bath, but Paris, in a rage, seized on the Scottish singer as the culprit nonetheless, and began hurling insults at her, calling her "a fucking ugly idiot." Spiteri, unconcerned by the presence of Paris's bodyguards, tossed a few invectives right back at the socially retarded socialite, then shook a fist in her face for good measure.

Sadly, the altercation never degenerated into fisticuffs. Sadly for us I should say, but happily for Paris, cause a tough-ass Scottish broad like Spiteri would certainly have made mince-meat out of her.