Thursday, November 9, 2006

Denise Richards Tries to Kill an Old Lady

Apparently Charlie Sheen was a bigger influence on Denise Richards than we thought.

I offer as evidence the strange incident that took place Wednesday in Vancouver where the new movie Blonde and Blonder is shooting, in which Ms. Richards reportedly hurled a pair of laptops off a hotel balcony, striking a wheelchair-bound elderly woman in the arm with one of them. The laptops belonged to a pair of photographers whose presence was apparently irksome to Ms. Richards; still, that's no excuse for going ballistic and injuring aged bystanders.

That kind of irresponsible, destructive behavior is best left to coked-up, sex-crazed actors like Charlie Sheen, and is very unbecoming in a woman of Ms. Richards' caliber.


By the way, you know what the best part of the laptop incident was? The Mounties! That's right. When the old lady took the computer in the arm, somebody called in the Mounted Police. No word yet on whether Denise or co-star Pam Anderson got any action out of it, but knowing those two whores...