In other news, the sun rose in the East this morning, and is expected to do the same thing tomorrow.

A sampling of some of the vitriol spewed in Heather's direction includes this little missive:
"Dear Heather, you are now quite comfortably the most loathed person in the British Isles. Congratulations, it’s one hell of an achievement."
And this one:
"Heather, you are nothing but a bloody gold-digging disgrace…go to your bloody minefields, preferably without a detector."
I wish my detractors were so eloquent. Then I'd get pithier comments than, "Your ugly," and, "Your an asshole." (Contractions are apparently outside of these idiots' experience).

According to witnesses, Lindsay got bent-out-of-shape recently when, while on a shopping trip, she had her retinue of paparazzi stolen from her by Paris and her best pal Britney Spears. Lindsay attempted to "get revenge" against Paris and Brit by driving around town blaring Kevin Federline's CD on her stereo.
But wait, there's more. On Wednesday night at Teddy's, Lindsay attempted to hang out with Paris and Britney, but was rebuffed by the blonde BFF's. In a state of irritation, Lindsay was heard to say that she wouldn't mind hooking up with Federline, whom she said was sexy. And Britney's alleged reply? "Take him. Tell her please. Seriously, take him."