The two blandest people on the face of the earth, Orlando Bloom and Kirsten Dunst, are officially an item.
The actors, who co-starred in the underwhelming movie Elizabethtown last year, were spotted a week ago putting their hands and lips and various other things all over each other in the corner of the Chateau Marmont lobby bar. A witness says the couple "even stayed past closing time" - not an unusual activity for Dunst, though normally she has to be hauled out on a stretcher.
The new romance comes after much-publicized break-ups for each of the stars. Dunst was previously connected to hottie Jake Gyllenhaal, who seems more interested in riding bikes with Matthew McConaughey and Lance Armstrong these days than hanging around with dizzy blonde starlets (a man of taste, if I do say so myself). And Bloom, as we know, was involved with emaciated Superman Returns actress Kate Bosworth, but split with her when he realized how revolting she looks.
We'll just have to see how long this new Hollywood super-romance lasts. Hopefully, Bloom will soon shed his dull heterosexual dream-boat persona and follow in the footsteps of Jake Gyllenhaal. One word, Orlando: spandex.