Jennifer Lopez may be a big star, but she is also a kind-hearted woman. Here we see the beneficent singer-actress taking time to help a homeless man she found lying on the side of the road. Gosh, when I think of all the terrible things this poor fellow must've been through. Being smuggled over the border in a truck full of rotting fruit. Rooting through garbage bins in search of food and clothes. Performing sexual favors on old perverted men who paid him in proofs of purchase from boxes of Metamucil wafers. And now he gets to hang out with a glamorous star like Jennifer Lopez! All those years of hosing horse shit off the streets back in Mexico - he must feel like the whole thing was worth it now. He must...
Oh, sorry. That's Mark Anthony, Jennifer's husband. And I guess he's Puerto Rican, huh? Well - honest mistake...